Friday, April 17, 2009

Miracles in Madrid

The Lord is doing great things!! Jesus is still in the miracle working business!

The Past Sunday services in Madrid were a great blessing. We had 3 Services in our local church in the northern part of the city, as we do every Sunday. Two services in Spanish and one in English. Sunday night we had 1 get the Holy Ghost in our Spanish service. Two renewed of the Holy Ghost in our English service and quite a few miracles in the English Service.

As you know it was Easter Sunday and I had the privilege of preaching on "Resurrection Power" and the Lord showed up with his resurrection power. Apart from the two people who had not spoken in tongues in years, receiving a re-filling... we had 7 people instantly healed of the pain they were feeling in their bodies. One of them was feeling pain because of a possible kidney problem and the other a pain in her neck from her spine. Another sister who was scheduled for operation on a thyroid tumor was healed. As she felt the tumor shrink during the prayer of faith she ran to the restroom and it turned into saliva and she spitted it out.


Thank you for continuing to pray for the work in Spain.

Sis. Trecina Anderson
Your AIMer to Spain