Saturday, January 31, 2009

Video of our National Convention

January Report

During the Month of January,
I´ve seen 4 people recieve the Holy Ghost during my preaching!
I got the opportunity to travel to Burgos on the third of January and preached about the "Armor of God" 3 recieved the Holy Ghost there. For the past 5 Sundays I´ve been preaching at the English service here at our church in Madrid. We have been preaching on "Spiritual Warfare","Clean hands and a Pure Heart," "Sacrifice of Praise," "The Anti-Christ and the False Prophet," "The Seven Trumpets" etc. THE LORD IS COMING SOON!!!! And he is blessing in these last days!!! Thank you for your continued prayer and support!!! We have been translating the messages into Spanish. There are two young men that help with the translation. I´ve also been working with the youth. I am on the youth team this year! God is moving mightily among them. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.
Lord Bless!!!

Sis. Trecina Anderson
Your AIMer to Spain

Great News from December

Praise the Lord Everyone!!!

The Lord has done Great things!!! Thank you all for praying. The Lord did it! We had a mighty move of the Holy Ghost and Fire in Madrid Spain during our National Convention. After the weekend of services we had 168 people filled with the Holy Ghost for the very first time! To God be ALL the glory. We give thanks to the Lord for all the ministers and missionaries that attended our convention.