Monday, May 26, 2008

5 More months to go!!!

Praise the Lord Everyone!

I have been back in the U.S. for 5 Months now! Anxiously awaiting the time to return to Spain. I have been busy applying for scholarships, working as a second grade teacher in a public school in Florida and attending Spanish church and English church here in West Palm Beach Florida. I have been taking classes at the community college to finish up my teaching certificate through a scholarship that the Lord has provided.

I believe that is a great avenue to take to help get me back to Spain!!

THANKS BE TO GOD I WAS AWARDED A SCHOLARSHIP! that will give me a monthly stipend to return to Spain for 9 months! this means I only have 35% of my budget left to raise!!! GLORY BE TO GOD!!!

The Lord is doing great things. Thank you for continuing to pray and to give!

I recieved news from Spain last week and was told that the local church in Madrid is growing rapidly!!! we had over 500 people in attendance that Sunday and the Sunday before, 5 children and 1 chinese adult Received the gift of the Holy Ghost!!! THANK GOD FOR HIS MIGHTY WORK!!

Thank you for your continued prayers and support!!!

May Our Lord Jesus Christ, continue to bless and keep you!!

Sis. Trecina Anderson

Your AIMer to Spain!!!