Friday, September 26, 2008

I have arrived in Spain!!!

Greetings from Madrid Spain in Jesus' name!

I am glad to inform you that once again the Lord has priviledged me to be on the mission field. I arrived in Madrid, Spain about 18 hours ago. The Lord is already doing great things. I was able to be in a youth service tonight! we had about six other young people visiting from Indiana and Ohio. I translated for them from English to Spanish. God is really blessing. In our service tonight 2 recieved the Holy Ghost.

Please pray for us tomorrow we have another service and I will be translating for the preacher. Thank you for your continued prayer and fiancial support. If you would like to make contributions to this revival effort you can mail an offering to my Foreign Mission account # 132924 or call my local church at 561-965-1823.

Lets win Spain for Jesus Chirst!

Sis. Trecina Anderson
Your AIMer to Spain

p.s. please check my blogs spot regularly as I will be keeping it updated. I will be posting pictures of this weekends services.